Upcoming Events
For more information about our upcoming events, contact us.
May 10, 2012: Parliamentary Measures for Nuclear
Non-proliferation and Disarmament; Vienna International Centre
For more information, contact Alyn Ware:; +1 (646) 289-5170.

March 25th, 2010: Does security require nuclear arms? - sponsored by PNND-Italy and the Secretariat for the Nobel Peace Laureates. Featuring Hans Blix; PNND Council member Federica Mogherini presiding.
Italian parliament, camera dei deputati, Palazzo Montecitorio. Click here for more information.
April 29th, 2010: Civil Society Forum of the Conference of States Parties to Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones, co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, and Mayors for Peace.
United Nations, NY.
23 November, 2009: De-nuclearization in North-East Asia PNND Korea and Japan meeting
9-11 November, 2009: PNND joins Nobel Laureates to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
13 November, 2009: PNND Co-Hosts UN Diplomatic Roundtable on a Nuclear Weapons Convention
12 October, 2009:PNND Special Forum on Implementing the UN Secretary-General’s Five-Point Plan for Nuclear Disarmament
11-12 October, 2009: PNND Assembly, Meeting with the Secretary-General.
8 May, 2009: PNND panel at the NPT Prep Com: The role of parliamentarians in advancing a Nuclear Weapons Convention
1 July, 2008: Members of the European Parliament launch support of the Nuclear Weapons Convention
10-12, July, 2008: Pugwash, Parliamentarians and Political Will: Advancing the agenda for abolition, PNND International Conference and Council Meeting, co-hosted by Middle Powers Initiative and Pugwash Peace Exchange
25 May, 2008: NATO and the Future Role of Nuclear Weapons: Seminar at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
June 2006: PNND Annual Forum - Vancouver,
Canada June 27
May 2006: PNND/Mayors
for Peace Joint Statement on NPT
May 2005: Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, United Nations, New York
May 2005: PNND/Mayors for Peace Joint
Statement on NPT
April 2005: Nuclear
Weapon Free Zone Conference - Mexico
December 2004:
Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Weapon Free Zones - New Zealand
Parliament, Wellington
April 2004: Roundtable for
Parliamentarians and Mayors
December 2003: PNND
Roundtable for Indian Members of Parliament - New Delhi
November 2003:
Nagasaki Global Citizen' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
2003: From Nuclear Dangers to Cooperative Security - Vancouver
April - May 2003:
NPT Preparatory Committee Meeting - Geneva
August - September 2002 : Disarmament and the World Summit on
Sustainable Development - Johannesburg
Annual Forum - Vancouver, Canada June 27, 2006
Annual Forum will be held in Vancouver, Canada June 27 as part of the World Peace Forum,
a major international meeting of individuals, groups and civic
governments from cities and communities worldwide being held from June
23-28 and supported by the City of Vancouver .
PNND annual forum will provide an opportunity to meet other members of
PNND, learn about the latest developments in nuclear nonproliferation
and disarmament, share ideas and information on parliamentary actions
and discuss the development of the network. The Forum will consist of
two sessions:
on Mayors' and Parliamentarians Actions for Nuclear Disarmament
University of British
Columbia, Student Union
Network for Nuclear Disarmament Annual Forum
University of British
Columbia, Student Union Council Chambers
us if you would like to attend the roundtable and PNND
Annual Forum, and if you have any items you would like raised at these
events. For more information see PNND Annual Forum -
Vancouver, June
27, 2006
and Parliamentarians co-operating for nuclear disarmament
On May 23, 2006the Parliamentary Network for Nuclear
Disarmament and Mayors for Peace released a joint statement
and parliamentarians calling on the States Parties to the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to commence negotiations for nuclear
disarmament and for the international control of all fissile materials.
The statement was released at a forum and press conference at the
United Nations in New York during the 2005 Review Conference of States
Parties to the NPT.
Speakers included:
· U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich
(D, Ohio). Member and former Co-Chair of the US House of
Representatives Progressive Caucus and lead sponsor of US
House resolutions on nuclear disarmament and peaceful uses
of outer space
· Senator Douglas Roche, Chair of the
Middle Powers Initiative and former Disarmament Ambassador for
· Aaron Tovish, Mayors for Peace
International Campaign Manager
· Alyn Ware, Parliamentary Network for
Nuclear Disarmament Global Coordinator
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference
United Nations, New York 2-27
May 2005
and non-nuclear countries at this conference will consider and make
decisions on implementation of the key objectives of the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), including the prevention of nuclear
weapons proliferation and the achievement of nuclear disarmament.
can attend either as members of their government delegations or as
independent observers.

discussion between mayors and national legislators
initiatives for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
May 4, mayors and parliamentarians participating in the 2005
Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, either as observers or
members of their government delegations, participated in a roundtable
to discuss initiatives they are taking orcould take for nuclear
non-proliferation and disarmament.
roundtable, hosted by the Parliamentary
Network for Nuclear Disarmament and Mayors for
Peace, involved Senator Patrik Vankrunklesven (Belgium),
Chris Balance (Member of the Scottish Parliament), Senator Abacca
Anjain-Madison (Marshall Islands),Tetsushi Inoue MP (Japan), Tadatoshi
Akiba (Mayor of Hiroshima and President of Mayors for Peace), and a
delegation of 15 – 20 mayors from around the world.
meeting finalised a Joint
statement by mayors and legislators on the NPT and a nuclear
weapons free world. The statement is continuing to gather endorsers and
will be released to the media and States Parties to the NPT in the
final week of the review conference.
The first ever Conference of
States Parties to Nuclear Weapon Free Zones was held bringing together
108 States parties to NWFZs, observer States and civil society to
establish a new and powerful forum for the delegitimisation and
abolition of nuclear weapons.
The Conference adopted a declaration
concerning the consolidation, strengthening and expansion of nuclear
weapon free zones, the prevention of nuclear proliferation and the
achievement of a nuclear weapons free world.
In addition, the Conference established a process for continuing
communication, cooperation and collaboration between the zones. Each of
the four regional treaties will take turns at coordinating this work.
The Conference included a Civil
Society Forum, organized by the Parliamentary Network for
Nuclear Disarmament and including representation from mayors,
parliamentarians, academics, scientists, government officials, media,
nuclear survivors and non-governmental organisations from around the
For more information see the Conference of
Nuclear Weapon Free Zones website
Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Weapon Free Zones : New Zealand Parliament, Wellington
parliamentarians from 29 countries met with disarmament experts,
diplomats and academics in the New Zealand parliament to discuss
parliamentary actions to reduce current nuclear dangers, support the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty leading up to its review in 2005, and
to promote the establishment of a Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent
Areas Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.
» Report of December 8
for Parliamentarians and Mayors April 29, 2004 — United Nations, New York
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) undergoes a formal review every
five years (1995, 2000, 2005, etc.). In the interim years, the United
Nations organizes a Preparatory Committee meeting so that countries can
work together on problems of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
in preparation for the formal five-year reviews.
the 2004 Prep Comm, PNND and Mayors for Peace will be organizing a
roundtable discussion and briefing for parliamentarians and mayors.
» Invitation to Parliamentarians
and Mayors

PNND Roundtable for Indian Members of Parliament:
18 , 2003 — New Delhi —
by the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation to introduce Indian Members of
Parliament to the PNND and encourage discussion between
parliamentarians across party lines on nuclear weapons issues.
» Report

2nd Nagasaki Global Citizen' Assembly for the
Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: November 22-24, 2003 — Nagasaki
Nov 23, 2003, PNND organized a Forum for Parliamentarians on
Disarmament as part of the Nagasaki Assembly for the Elimination of
Nuclear Weapons hosted by Nagasaki Mayor Iccho Itoh. Speakers included
Senator Douglas Roche (Canada), Chair of the Middle Powers Initiative;
Keith Locke MP (Green, New Zealand), Secretary of PNND New Zealand
Section; Suzuki Tsunei MP (LDP, Japan), President of PNND Japan
Section; and Masaharu Nakagawa MP (DPJ, Japan).
items of discussion were parliamentary support for the nuclear
disarmament agenda promoted by the New Agenda Coalition, and
parliamentary action for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament in
North East Asia including the possibility of a North East Asia NWFZ.
» Report

Nuclear Dangers to Cooperative Security:
November 7-9, 2003 — Vancouver —
international forum for Parliamentarians sponsored by PNND and the
Simons Foundation.
» Photo Gallery

NPT Preparatory Committee Meeting:
28-May 9, 2003 — Geneva —
Photo Gallery

Disarmament and the World Summit on Sustainable
Development: August
26 - September 4, 2002 — Johannesburg —
A number of
parliamentarians, among them members of PNND, Parliamentarians for
Global Action and Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced
Environment, attended the UN-sponsored World Summit on Sustainable
Development in Johannesburg from 26th August to 4th September 2002.
Jane Goodall, UN Messenger of Peace, and the Hon Marian Hobbs, New
Zealand Minister for Disarmament and the Environment.
