PNND at OPANAL's 45th Anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco
On February 14-15, 2012 in Mexico City PNND participated in the 45th anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco and the subsequent creation of the first nuclear weapons free zone which includes all of Latin America and the Caribbean, totalling over thirty countries. The event was organized by OPANAL, the organization which administers the Treaty.
Parliamentarians vital in supporting a nuclear weapons-free Middle East
October 20, 2011
Contact: Alyn Ware +1 646 752-8702
"Parliamentarians have a vital role in supporting the establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction," says Baroness Sue Miller, Member of the UK House of Lords and Co-President of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), a global network of parliamentarians from over 80 countries working to prevent nuclear proliferation and achieve a nuclear weapons-free world.
"A great step towards this goal was made last week with the appointment of a host country and facilitator for a UN-sponsored conference to establish such a zone," says Baroness Miller.

Nuclear Weapon States must reduce reliance on nuclear weapons,
say global parliamentarians
Thursday June 8, 2011
For immediate release
Parliamentarians from around the world appealed to the leaders of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States to use the forthcoming Summit on Nuclear Security in Paris to reduce their reliance on nuclear weapons and make concrete steps toward fulfilling the vision of a nuclear weapons free world.
In a joint letter to the leaders of the five nuclear weapon States (NWS), the seven Co-Presidents of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament today commended the heads of government for convening such a meeting and noted that ‘there is a global expectation that the consultations you are commencing will result in significant advances in reducing the dangers posed by nuclear weapons and in making progress towards the achievement of nuclear disarmament.’

European Parliamentarians call for withdrawal of US nuclear weapons
Media Advisory, March 23, 2010
Parliamentarians from four European countries are calling on the US President Barack Obama to withdraw nuclear weapons from their countries. US nuclear gravity bombs are still deployed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. A letter is presently being circulated in the parliaments of these countries that calls for nuclear weapons to be withdrawn with the aim of collecting as many signatures of parliamentarians as possible. The letter will be presented to Barack Obama in April.
Time for NATO to leave the nuclear dinosaur age?
Press Release: For publication May 24
Contact: Uta Zapf, MdB +49 30 227 7 49 73
Parliamentary leaders and nuclear non-proliferation experts today challenged members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and other countries ‘defended’ by nuclear weapons to abandon the outdated doctrine of nuclear deterrence and redirect nuclear weapons budgets to meeting social and development goals.

New Zealand Parliament Launch of Securing Our Survival
14 August 2007
The book, Securing our Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention was launched in the Grand Hall of the New Zealand parliament today by the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace and International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms.
A gathering of parliamentarians, doctors, lawyers, city council members, civil society representatives and diplomats from New Zealand and around the world gathered for the event highlighting the proposal for a Nuclear Weapons Convention...
Lies, Stealth and Uranium: Australian Democrats condemn reported moves to sell uranium to India
Canberra, 26 July 2007
Senate Leader
Lyn Allison |
The Australian Democrats have condemned reported new moves by the Howard Government to sell uranium to India in what appears to be a dangerous break from existing policy.
"Anyone who thinks the nuclear industry is not going to be dramatically expanded under another term of the Howard Government is delusional," Australian Democrats Leader, Senator Lyn Allison said today.

Vice-President of the European Parliament Calls for a Stop to Nuclear Weapons
Strasbourg, 7 July 2007
EMP Luisa Morgantini |
"The past already showed us the devastation provoked by nuclear weapons, the present is telling us that the dangers are still present every time arsenals get refilled, and the weapons race and the spatial shield are in agenda. On the other side, from the Conference of Pugwash, Canada, where scientists and politicians coming from all over the world met to discuss the nuclear disarmament, a different message comes out: the ban of the nuclear weapons is a responsibility towards mankind,” affirmed Luisa Morgantini, Vice President of the European Parliament.
Zealand Prime Minister calls on parliamentarians globally to work for a
nuclear weapons free world
Parliament of New Zealand, Wellington, December 8, 2004

Rt. Hon. Helen Clark Photo: The Sydney Morning
NZ Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, addressing an international
conference of parliamentarians in New Zealand, called on
parliamentarians globally to act more vigorously to achieve a nuclear
weapons free world, and highlighted the special responsibility of
Nuclear Weapon States to take the lead in the abolition and elimination
of nuclear weapons.
The conference, sponsored by the Parliamentary Network for Nuclear
Disarmament and Parliaments for Global Action (New Zealand), brought
parliamentarians from around the world to consider ways to strenghten
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and support a Southern Hemisphere
and Adjacent Areas Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.
Please click here
for more information about the conference or here for the Prime
Minister's speech.

The Tsunami and a
Nuclear Catastrophe
The Tsunami which wrecked havoc on South Asian
countries on 26 December 2004 was unprecedented in the degree of
destruction it caused. Staff and members of the Parliamentary Network
for Nuclear Disarmament join with others around the world in offering
condolences and support for those affected.
While the impact of such natural disasters can be
minimised, humanity is powerless to prevent them ocurring. Humanity
does however have the power to prevent similar or greater destruction
from nuclear weapons being used whether by accident, miscalculation or
A number of writers - including parliamentarians -
have been reflecting on these issues in the wake of the Tsunami and we
include some samples.
Tsunami, God and a Nuclear Catastrophe by Senator Douglas
and a Nuclear Threat in the South of India by J. Sri Raman
Plans Tidal Wave of Nuclear Proliferation by Ira Chernus

Assassination attempt
does not deter international parliamentarians' dialogue on strategies
to address nuclear dangers.
Contact: Zachary Allen, San Francisco, 415-397-6760,
On November 7-9, 2003,
parliamentarians from around the world gathered in Vancouver for the
first international conference of the Parliamentary Network for Nuclear
Disarmament. The goal of this event was to consider ways that
parliamentarians can work collaboratively in order to address dangers
arising from nuclear proliferation, as well as the
increasingly-threatening policies and practices of the nuclear-weapon
The conference opened with the
unnerving news that one of its would-be participants, Israeli Member of
Parliament Issam Makhoul, had been the target of an assassination
attempt only two days earlier. It was suspected that the
assassination attempt arose in reaction to Mr Makhoul's criticism of
government policies on security issues, including Israel's secrecy over
their nuclear weapons program. Fortunately, Mr. Makhoul, along with his
family, survived when the bomb planted under their car was detonated.
