Japan and NATO Are Ready for the US to Reduce Nuclear Weapons
Huffington Post
by Alyn Ware
February 18, 2010
It has been nearly a year since President Obama's now famous Prague speech, announcing America's commitment to a nuclear weapons-free future. A key test of that commitment is at hand: the current U. S. Nuclear Posture Review. The Obama administration might use it to announce a plan for a deeper reduction in nuclear stockpiles, a shift in nuclear policy to "sole purpose" (i.e., retaining nuclear weapons solely for purposes of deterring others from using such weapons) and begin the process of phasing out nuclear deterrence itself.
Harper government missing on nonproliferation
by Douglas Roche and Ernie Regehr
February 3, 2010
High-ranking officials of the US State Department, NATO and the United Nations were in Ottawa last week to meet with the leaders of five national nuclear disarmament groups and experienced civil society leaders. It was all designed to move the Canadian government to actively support US President Barack Obama's commitment to a nuclear weapons-free world.
Did it? Time will tell and we want to remain optimistic.

Thinking the Unthinkable on Nuclear Policy
The Huffington Post
by Alyn Ware
November 9, 2009
In late September, President Obama chaired the UN Security Council as it adopted an unprecedented resolution on non-proliferation and global nuclear disarmament, vague on the details perhaps, but nonetheless a symbolic first step toward a world without nuclear weapons. It was a down payment on pledges Obama made in Prague in April, when he spoke of America's commitment to nuclear disarmament, saying we "must ignore the voices who tell us that the world cannot change." It didn't take long for those voices to chime. Three days after the Security Council resolution, the North Korean government fulminated that giving up its nuclear weapons was "unthinkable, even in a dream."
Placing Nova Scotia at centre of disarmament movement
The Chronicle Herald
July 11, 2008
by Alexa McDonough
AS ONE of the global council co-presidents of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), I will have the privilege this weekend to collaborate with legislators from five continents and leading experts in nuclear disarmament who will be gathering in Pugwash. Through energetic and visionary efforts of Pugwash Peace Exchange, the goal of this international conference is to build the necessary political will to advance nuclear non-proliferation and, ultimately, a nuclear weapons-free world.

Juggling and the Kashmir-Jammu Conflict
SGI Quarterly
April 2008
by Alyn Ware
I am visiting a school in rural New Zealand and am with a group of 15 students outside on the playing field. I have a bag of balls at my side. "Who here knows how to juggle a couple of balls?" I ask, tossing two balls into the air as I speak. A few hands go up. "How about three balls?" I query as I perform a simple three-ball pattern. A couple of hands remain. "Well, today I am going to teach you how to juggle eight balls at once." Now they think I am joking. "It’s too difficult to do alone. I can only juggle four by myself. But together we can juggle eight! It’s called group juggling. Let’s do it."

Quiet diplomacy or lost opportunity?
The Chronicle Herald
November 18, 2007
by Adrian Bradbury, Alexa McDonough and Paul Dewar
CANADA is the world’s largest financial contributor to the peace process in what region?
Afghanistan? Darfur? Israel-Palestine? You’d be wrong on all three counts.

The Human Factor- Revising Einstein
SGI Quarterly
July 2007
by Alyn Ware
On November 6, 1995, Lijon Eknilang, a quiet, unassuming woman from the Pacific island of Rongelap, made what is probably the longest trip in the world for a court appearance. It took her more than two days traveling to reach the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the highest judicial body in the world. She relayed to the 14 officiating judges horrifying testimony about the effects of nuclear testing in the Pacific.

Non-Proliferation Review Closes Without Consensus
Environment News Service
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
A conference at the United
Nations to review the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) ended
Friday having accomplished “very little” amid what
its President said were widely diverging views tackling nuclear arms
and their spread.
Ambassador Sergio Duarte of
Brazil, President of the 2005 NPT Review Conference told a press
briefing that although the month long conference had accomplished very
little in terms of results, agreements or final decisions, there had
nevertheless been some progress “in the ways issues were
discussed and the interest that delegations had shown in those
discussions and…documents presented.”
A spokesman for
Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in a statement the UN chief
“very much regrets” that the meeting closed without
substantive agreement, noting that the parties “missed a
vital opportunity to strengthen our collective security against the
many nuclear threats to which all states and all peoples are

The Nuclear Arms Race Must Be
Contact Alyn Ware, Wellington Aotearoa-New Zealand, 64-4-385-8192, alyn@pnnd.org
Excerpts from an
article by Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Standing
Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Norwegian parliament.
Published in Dagsavisen (Oslo) 8 October 2004. Translated by Stine
With that I arrive at another important point concerning nuclear
disarmament. If the original Nuclear Weapon States (NWS) do not resume
disarming, more and more countries will argue exactly like the NWS do,
i.e. that we also need nuclear weapons for our own security. This is
the logic behind the nuclear weapons of the NWS. At the United Nations
conferences in 1995 and 2000 (on the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty),
the NWS admitted that this was the main problem. Therefore, they
accepted that the main goal was total abolition of nuclear weapons.

The Government must show more
initiative in the foreign policy
Contact Alyn Ware, Wellington Aotearoa-New Zealand, 64-4-385-8192,alyn@pnnd.org
Excerpts from an
article by Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Standing
Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Norwegian parliament.
Published in Aftenposten 6 October 2004. Translated by Stine
Another area where the Government can be prominent is nuclear
disarmament. There is a great danger that the next step in the history
of terrorism will be an increasing form of nuclear terror. Vast amounts
of material that can be used to make nuclear bombs have gone astray,
both highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium (Pu). In addition,
low-level waste from nuclear power plants that can be used to make
so-called dirty bombs is a great threat.
The non-proliferation regime
under the United Nations is on the verge of breaking down, which will
make it easier for terrorist groups to get hold of nuclear weapons.
North Korea probably already has nuclear weapons. If Iran acquires
nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia and Egypt will probably do so too.
We probably fight against the
clock. But the situation can be brought under control if the old
nuclear powers want to, and if USA and Europe shape a joint strategy,
especially concerning Iran.
