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Browse by Type > International Parliamentary Assembly Documents
The following documents are organized by assembly.
Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) - Resolution on Nuclear Proliferation, adopted 1999 - Non-Proliferation of Missiles as Delivery Vehicles of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missile-Related Material and Technology, adopted 1999 - Resolution submitted by the Australian delegation on Nuclear Weapons, adopted 1997 - Resolution on nuclear Weapons Testing, adopted 1996
European Parliament (Europarl) - Resolution on the Non-Proliferation Treaty, 2000 - Resolution on the US Senate's rejection of the CTBT, 1999 - Resolution on sub-critical nuclear testing, adopted 1998 - Resolution on nuclear testing by India and Pakistan, adopted 1998 - Resolution on the New Agenda Coalition on nuclear disarmament, adopted 1998 - Resolution on the Non-Proliferation Treaty, adopted 1997 - Resolution on Chinese nuclear testing, adopted 1996 - Resolution on the G7+1 Summit in Moscow and strategic nuclear arms control, adopted 1996 - Resolution on the statement of the Commission on nuclear tests, adopted 1995 - Resolution on nuclear testing, adopted 1995 - Resolution on the Conference on the Extension of the NPT, adopted 1995 - Resolution on nuclear testing and the United Nations General Assembly's debate on disarmament, adopted 1994-
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) - Millennium Statement: Parliamentary Vision for International Cooperation, adopted 2000 -Securing Observance of the Principles of International Law in the Interests of World Peace and Security, adopted 2000 - Parliamentary Action to encourage all Countries to Sign and Ratify the CTBT, to encourage universal and Non-Discriminatory Nuclear Non-Proliferation Measures and to Work Towards the Eventual Elimination of All Nuclear Weapons, adopted 1999 - To Comprehensively Ban Nuclear Weapons Testing and Halt All Present Nuclear Weapons Tests, 1995 - The Importance of Adhering to the Obligations Specified in the NPT, adopted 1994
NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NAA) - Resolution on Safeguarding the Nuclear Complex in Russia and other Newly Independent States, 2001 - Resolution on Ballistic Missile Defence, adopted 2000 - Committee on Defence and Security- General Report: National Missile Defense and the alliance after Kosovo, adopted 2000 - Resolution on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), 1999
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) - Excerpts from the annual session declaration, adopted 2001 - Excerpts concerning NWFZs from the annual session declaration, adopted 1996
Western European Union Parliamentary Assembly (WEU) - Recommendation on European anti-missile defence: a role for Russia, adopted 2001 - Order on European anti-missile defence: a role for Russia, adopted 2001 - Order on antimissile defence: the implications for European industry , adopted 2001 - Recommendation on a joint European space strategy: security and defence aspects, adopted 2001