26. Invites the OSCE and the participating States to continue the process of
elaborating a common and comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the
twenty-first century in order to present the progress achieved and the results
available at the OSCE Summit in Lisbon in 1996. These should include:...
p. Refocusing arms control and confidence- and security-building measures on the basis of national obligations, and encouraging more intense focus on regional
regimes, particularly arms reductions and limitations on arms production, export, and transfer and the establishment of European Nuclear Free Zones;
(emphasis added)
q. Concluding the mandate of the 1994 Budapest Summit decision to elaborate a
framework for arms control by the time of the Lisbon Summit and agreeing in the
framework of the Summit meeting on an agenda which sets guidelines for the
introduction of new arms control measures;
r. Promoting the creation of zones free of nuclear weapons in the OSCE region, as a necessary and important component of a new all-European security system; (emphasis added)
(Retrieved November 5, 2001, 17:40 for full text see )