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Preface: Jayantha Dhanapala, UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs

Foreword: Matt Robson, Minister of Disarmament for Aotearoa - New Zealand

Introduction to the PNND: Alyn Ware, PNND Coordinator



Section 1:   About Nuclear Weapons:

- How the bomb works

- Effects of nuclear weapons use

- Radiation

- Effects of nuclear weapons testing and production

- Who has the bomb

- Nuclear Status Map

- Nuclear Stockpiles

- Economic aspects and conversion

- Nuclear weapons treaties

Section 2:   Nuclear Disarmament Issues:

- Terrorism and nuclear weapons

- De-alerting

- Nuclear testing

- Nuclear materials

- Nuclear doctrine

- Missile proliferation and anti-ballistic missile programs

- Weaponisation of space

- Legality of nuclear weapons

- Nuclear Weapon Free Zones

- Nuclear Weapons Convention

Section 3:   Arenas in which parliamentarians can exert influence or become engaged

- National Parliaments


- International Parliamentarian Bodies

•  Asian Pacific Parliamentary Forum

•  European Parliament

•  Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States

•  Inter-Parliamentary Union

•  Latin American Parliament

•  NATO Parliamentary Assembly

•  OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

•  Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

•  Parliamentary Assembly for the Western European Council

- United Nations

•  General Assembly

•  Security Council

•  International Court of Justice

•  Conference on Disarmament

•  Disarmament Commission

•  Department of Disarmament Affairs

•  United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research


- Treaty bodies, meetings and negotiations

•  Non Proliferation Treaty

•  Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation

•  Regional Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Bodies

•  International Criminal Court Negotiations

Section 4:   Disarmament Initiatives and Non-Governmental Organisations

- Non-Aligned Movement Plan

- Canberra Commission

- Middle Powers Initiative

- New Agenda Group

- Model Nuclear Weapons Convention

- Abolition 2000

- Generals and Admirals Statement

- Civil Leaders Statements

- Non-Governmental Organisations



I   International Court of Justice 1996 Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons - Dispositif

II    New Zealand declaration on ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court

III   United Nations General Assembly Resolution 56/24 S

IV   European Parliament Resolution on the Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1997

V    US Congress Resolution on Furthering Complete Nuclear Disarmament, 2001

VI    UK House of Commons Early Day Motion on a Nuclear Weapons Convention

VII   Public opinion polls on nuclear weapons

VIII   NPT 2000 Review Conference Program of Action on Nuclear Disarmament   

IX   French declaration on ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

X   Non-Aligned Program for Nuclear Disarmament

XI   New Agenda Declaration

XII   Abolition Statement

XIII   Generals and Admirals Statement

XIV   Civil Leaders Statement

XV    United States Civil and Business Leaders Statement