Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START I Treaty)
The two parties agree to reductions to equal aggregate levels in strategic offensive arms, carried out in three phases over seven years from the date the treaty enters into force. Central limits include: 1,600 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles; 6,000 accountable warheads; 4,900 ballistic missile warheads; 1,540 warheads on 154 heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles for the Soviet side. The Soviets also agreed in a side letter to eliminate 22 SS-18 launchers every year for seven years to achieve this level; 1,100 warheads on deployed mobile ICBMs; throw-weight ceiling of 3,600 metric tons.
Signed in Moscow on July 31, 1991. Entered into force 1994.