Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof
This treaty follows in the tradition of the Antarctica and Outer Space treaties. Parties undertake not to place on the sea-bed, on the ocean floor or in the subsoil thereof, nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, or structures for launching, storing, testing or using such weapons.
Opened for signature February 11, 1971. Entered into force May 18, 1972.
Parties and years of entry into force: Afghanistan (1971), Algeria (1992), Antigua and Barbuda (1988), Argentina (1983), Australia (1973), Austria (1972), Bahamas (1989), Belgium (1972), Benin (1986), Bolivia, Botswana (1972), Brazil (1988), Bulgaria (1971), Burma, Burundi, Byelorussian SSR (1971), Cameroon, Canada (1972), Cape Verde (1979), Central African Republic (1981), China (1991), Taiwan (1972), Colombia, Congo (1978), Costa Rica, Cote dIvoire (1972), Croatia (1991), Cuba (1977), Cyprus (1972), Czechoslovakia (1972), Democratic Yemen (1979), Denmark (1972), Dominican Republic (1972), Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia (1977), Finland (1972), Gambia , East Germany (1972), West Germany (1975), Ghana (1972), Greece (1985), Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau (1976), Honduras, Hungary (1972), Iceland (1972), India (1973), Iran (1971), Iraq (1972), Ireland (1971), Italy (1974), Jamaica (1986), Japan (1972), Jordan (1972), Kampuchea, South Korea (1987), Laos (1972), Latvia (1992), Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein (1991), Luxembourg (1982), Lesotho (1973), Madagascar, Malaysia (1972), Mali, Malta (1971), Mauritius (1972), Mexico (1984), Mongolia (1972), Morocco (1971), Nepal (1972), Netherlands (1976), New Zealand (1972), Nicaragua (1973), Niger (1971), Norway (1971), Panama (1974), Paraguay, Philippines, Poland (1971), Portugal (1975), Qatar (1974), Romania (1972), Rwanda (1975), Saint Christopher-Nevis (1983), Saint Lucia (1979), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1979), Sao Tome and Principe (1979), Saudi Arabia (1972), Senegal, Seychelles (1985), Sierra Leone, Singapore (1976), Slovenia (1992), Slovak Republic (1991), Solomon Islands (1978), South Africa (1973), Spain (1987), Swaziland (1971), Sweden (1972), Switzerland (1976), Tanzania, Togo (1971), Tunisia (1971), Turkey (1972), Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1971), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1972), United Kingdom (1972), United States of America (1972), Viet Nam (1980), Yemen (AR; PDR: 1979), Yugoslavia (1973), Zambia (1972)