Provides for the protection of nuclear material during international transport.
Signed at New York March 3, 1980. Ratification advised by U.S. Senate July 30, 1981. Ratified by U.S. President September 4, 1981. Entered into force February 8, 1987.
Parties and years of entry into force: Argentina (1989), Australia (1987), Austria (1989), Brazil (1987), Bulgaria (1987), Canada (1987), China (1989), Finland (1989), Czechoslovakia (1987), East Germany (1987), Guatemala (1987), Hungary (1987), Indonesia (1987), Japan (1988), Korea, Republic of (1987), Liechtenstein (1987), Mexico (1988), Mongolia (1987), Norway (1987), Paraguay (1987), Philippines (1987), Poland (1987), Sweden (1987), Switzerland (1987), Turkey (1987), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1987), United States of America (1987), Yugoslavia (1987)