In the event of a nuclear accident, the party shall notify (directly or through the International Atomic Energy Agency) those states which are or may be physically affected. Both those states and the IAEA shall be informed about the nature of the accident, the time of its occurrence, and the exact location where appropriate.
Adopted on September 26, 1986 in Vienna. Entered into force October 27, 1986.
Parties and years of entry into force: Argentina (1990), Australia (1987 with reservation or declaration), Austria (1988), Bangladesh (1988), Bulgaria (1988 with reservation or declaration), Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1987 with reservation or declaration), Canada (1990), China (1987), Cyprus (1989), Czechoslovakia (1986), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (1986 with reservation or declaration), Denmark (1986), Egypt (1988), Finland (1987), France (1989), East Germany (1987 with declaration or reservation), West Germany (1989), Guatemala (1988), Hungary (1987 with reservation or declaration), Iceland (1989), India (1988 with reservation or declaration), Iraq (1988 with reservation or declaration), Israel (1989), Italy (1990), Japan (1987), Jordan (1988), Korea, Republic of (1990), Malaysia (1987), Mexico (1988), Mongolia (1987 with reservation or declaration), Monaco (1989), New Zealand (1987), Nigeria (1990), Norway (1986), Pakistan (1989) Poland (1988 with reservation or declaration), Saudi Arabia (1989), Spain (1989), South Africa (1987), Sweden (1987), Switzerland (1987), Thailand (1989), Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1987 with reservation or declaration), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1987 with reservation or declaration), United Kingdom (1990), United States of America (1988; with reservation or declaration), Uruguay (1990), Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of (1987), Yugoslavia (1989), World Health Organization (1988), World Meteorological Organization (1990)