United Kingdom- House of Commons
Early Day Motion
NATO AT 20 |
10.12.01 |
Clapham/Michael |
That this House welcomes the recent decision of the NATO foreign ministers to introduce the Russia NATO Council and to integrate the two more closely; believes that this will facilitate a greater understanding conducive to further mutually agreed reductions in the nuclear arsenals of America and Russia and the implementation of effective policies to prevent nuclear proliferation, thus removing the need for national missile defence; and further believes that the new relationship with Russia will mend the old European division into western and eastern camps by taking a commonsense approach and paving the way for Russia to become a full NATO member and creating the conditions for a safer world. |
37 Signatures as at 10 February 2002, for names see source
Source: http://edm.ais.co.uk/weblink/html/motion.html/ref=541