United Kingdom- House of Commons
Early Day Motion
25.01.02 |
Corbyn/Jeremy MP |
That this House condemns the launch of an Agni nuclear missile by India at dawn on 25th January; notes that the test breaches the 1963 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; criticises India's claim that such tests are necessary to ensure its own security; believes it to be an act which can only detract from current efforts and peaceful negotiations between India and its nuclear neighbours, Pakistan and China; insists that there is no basis whatsoever for resorting to nuclear exercises of any sort; further notes the Pakistani Foreign Office statement calling the tests 'prejudicial to the pursuit of stability in our region'; believes the test exposes a possible 'conspiracy of silence' by the five nuclear weapons states who were all aware of the test; and calls upon India to cease all nuclear exercises in favour of focusing upon purposeful dialogue as a means of solving the existing tensions between India and Pakistan and as the only safe and secure route to a viable future for the regions. |
33 Signatures as at 10 February 2002, see source for names
Source: http://edm.ais.co.uk/weblink/html/motion.html/ref=731