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New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Extension Bill


The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act of 1987 prohibits the stationing of nuclear weapons on the territory of New Zealand and the entry into New Zealand's internal waters by nuclear armed or propelled ships. The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Extension Bill 2000 would provide for the prohibition of nuclear armed or powered vessels and vessels carrying nuclear waste and reprocessed fuel from the territorial waters and 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone.

The Bill was sent to the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, Disarmament and Trade for consideration in 2001. It was returned to Parliament in 2002 and was turned down on June 29, 2002.

Parliamentary Debate

May 29, 2002

Hon Matt Robson, Minister of Disarmament

Hon Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Hon Wyatt Creech, National Party

Jeanette Fitzsimmons, Green Party

Keith Locke, Green Party


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